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mardi 14 février 2023
La Seine Café


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🌟Valentines Day Special Edition 🌟 🌹It's that time of the year and you don't wanna spend it by yourself? Well, join us on Valentines Day night to have some drinks and enjoy the night together with good conversations.(Please note that this is not a dating event) 🌹 🍻A private large room in a wonderful bar just reserved for the event. Selection of foods and drinks. 🌎All internationals and locals are welcome. The event is live on other platforms as well to increase participation .🌎 L'événement est destiné à être convivial pour les anglophones. Tous les francophones sont les bienvenus. Participation is is 3€(payment by cash)

2 participants

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Ekrem (admin)

26 years old - Paris

A user picture


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